Hoje o STARDOLL postou sobre a doll CHRYSPI, numa justa homenagem, afinal ela é a doll de nível mais alto do site.
Chegou ao nível 221 e, por conta disso o STARDOLL teve que atualizar seus níveis, afinal, com certeza outras tantas chegaram nesse e em níveis mais altos, assim imagino.
Confira a entrevista que a doll concedeu ao STARDOLL.
Aqui o texto está em inglês, para traduzir no seu idioma, só procurar por ele no nosso TRADUTOR e prontinho!!!
Para nossas seguidoras brasileiras, segue o texto traduzido via GOOGLE TRADUTOR.
Hey Dolls!
Recently, we had an occasion here at the Stardoll office that perplexed us. A doll’s account had been having issues that we hadn’t really experienced before. After some troubleshooting from our awesome tech team, we figured it out: this doll had reached the end.
Now, Stardoll has been online for a lo-o-o-ong time—well over a decade, in fact. The creators had built it and put a cap at how many levels there were thinking that probably by the time anyone would reach it, gaming would have evolved to the point where we were playing using built-in brain computers or something! But, a doll has reached that mythical last level, and we still exist!
Once we figured out the problem, and added more levels, our staff just had to know: who was this doll and HOW had she achieved this? Many people probably know Chryspi, and she has been featured in the StarBlog before, but we had some questions for her. Here is our interview with the doll that stumped us!
Recently, we had an occasion here at the Stardoll office that perplexed us. A doll’s account had been having issues that we hadn’t really experienced before. After some troubleshooting from our awesome tech team, we figured it out: this doll had reached the end.
Now, Stardoll has been online for a lo-o-o-ong time—well over a decade, in fact. The creators had built it and put a cap at how many levels there were thinking that probably by the time anyone would reach it, gaming would have evolved to the point where we were playing using built-in brain computers or something! But, a doll has reached that mythical last level, and we still exist!
Once we figured out the problem, and added more levels, our staff just had to know: who was this doll and HOW had she achieved this? Many people probably know Chryspi, and she has been featured in the StarBlog before, but we had some questions for her. Here is our interview with the doll that stumped us!
Tell us about your name. What does Chryspi mean?
When I began playing Stardoll a long time ago, first of all I had to find a name for my doll which wasn’t easy because most of my suggestions were already in use.
So I wanted to use my middle name, but accidently made a typo. When I saw that this wasn’t taken I decided to just leave it that way. This is how “Chryspi“ came to life - a misspelled version of my middle name.
What is your favorite achievement here on Stardoll?
I was lucky achieving the 5th place of Miss Stardoll world two times, which was a very nice experience for me.
Is there any store that is or was your particular favorite?
I am a big fan of the LE collection and still really excited about it. I also like the Voile store a lot. I’m missing Tingeling a bit because those items were out of the ordinary and I always found them funny in a good way.
Can you walk us through a typical Stardoll session? What do you do after logging in and until logging out?
First of all, I reply to my messages. Then, I check out if there’s something new. I'm happy whenever I see that there is a new contest and even though I’m not that good at winning I always enjoy participating.
After that, I start collecting my daily Starpoints and finish the tasks before I log out until the next day.
Any tips on how others can achieve as much as you?
The only way to collect as much as possible is to complete all tasks constantly and on an everyday basis. That’s basically all I do, too.
What are your favorite items you have here on Stardoll?
I really like my LE collection and I’m proud to own some of the legendary lottery dresses I also like a lot. I wish there could be a way to bring them back somehow and make them available again for a short time. There are such beautiful dresses and I would buy them instantly.
What has Stardoll meant to you over the years?
Stardoll has accompanied me for a long time now and became sort of a friend throughout the years.
Has Stardoll influenced your “real life” in any way?
Actually, I’m very impatient and try to do stuff as fast as possible. That’s why I like to play Stardoll to calm down and as a contrast to the stress in my everyday life.
Would you like to send any “shout outs” to any Stardoll friends or dolls you have always admired?
I send my appreciation to all "Stardoll veterans“ out there, who have been active ever since I joined and even before. I also admire the creativity of some StarDesigners; I really like their work.
What is next for you?
My next goal is to complete the achievements missing in my collection. Maybe I’m able to reach this goal some day and if don’t, that’s also fine with me. There already is so much to discover every day.
Many clear greetings and much love for everyone reading this. I wish you all an exciting and eventful time here on Stardoll.
Chryspi is an inspiring doll and we are so glad she is here! Keep up the awesome work!
Hey Dolls!
Recently, we had an occasion here at the Stardoll office that perplexed us. A doll’s account had been having issues that we hadn’t really experienced before. After some troubleshooting from our awesome tech team, we figured it out: this doll had reached the end.
Now, Stardoll has been online for a lo-o-o-ong time—well over a decade, in fact. The creators had built it and put a cap at how many levels there were thinking that probably by the time anyone would reach it, gaming would have evolved to the point where we were playing using built-in brain computers or something! But, a doll has reached that mythical last level, and we still exist!
Once we figured out the problem, and added more levels, our staff just had to know: who was this doll and HOW had she achieved this? Many people probably know Chryspi, and she has been featured in the StarBlog before, but we had some questions for her. Here is our interview with the doll that stumped us!
Recently, we had an occasion here at the Stardoll office that perplexed us. A doll’s account had been having issues that we hadn’t really experienced before. After some troubleshooting from our awesome tech team, we figured it out: this doll had reached the end.
Now, Stardoll has been online for a lo-o-o-ong time—well over a decade, in fact. The creators had built it and put a cap at how many levels there were thinking that probably by the time anyone would reach it, gaming would have evolved to the point where we were playing using built-in brain computers or something! But, a doll has reached that mythical last level, and we still exist!
Once we figured out the problem, and added more levels, our staff just had to know: who was this doll and HOW had she achieved this? Many people probably know Chryspi, and she has been featured in the StarBlog before, but we had some questions for her. Here is our interview with the doll that stumped us!
Tell us about your name. What does Chryspi mean?
When I began playing Stardoll a long time ago, first of all I had to find a name for my doll which wasn’t easy because most of my suggestions were already in use.
So I wanted to use my middle name, but accidently made a typo. When I saw that this wasn’t taken I decided to just leave it that way. This is how “Chryspi“ came to life - a misspelled version of my middle name.
What is your favorite achievement here on Stardoll?
I was lucky achieving the 5th place of Miss Stardoll world two times, which was a very nice experience for me.
Is there any store that is or was your particular favorite?
I am a big fan of the LE collection and still really excited about it. I also like the Voile store a lot. I’m missing Tingeling a bit because those items were out of the ordinary and I always found them funny in a good way.
Can you walk us through a typical Stardoll session? What do you do after logging in and until logging out?
First of all, I reply to my messages. Then, I check out if there’s something new. I'm happy whenever I see that there is a new contest and even though I’m not that good at winning I always enjoy participating.
After that, I start collecting my daily Starpoints and finish the tasks before I log out until the next day.
Any tips on how others can achieve as much as you?
The only way to collect as much as possible is to complete all tasks constantly and on an everyday basis. That’s basically all I do, too.
What are your favorite items you have here on Stardoll?
I really like my LE collection and I’m proud to own some of the legendary lottery dresses I also like a lot. I wish there could be a way to bring them back somehow and make them available again for a short time. There are such beautiful dresses and I would buy them instantly.
What has Stardoll meant to you over the years?
Stardoll has accompanied me for a long time now and became sort of a friend throughout the years.
Has Stardoll influenced your “real life” in any way?
Actually, I’m very impatient and try to do stuff as fast as possible. That’s why I like to play Stardoll to calm down and as a contrast to the stress in my everyday life.
Would you like to send any “shout outs” to any Stardoll friends or dolls you have always admired?
I send my appreciation to all "Stardoll veterans“ out there, who have been active ever since I joined and even before. I also admire the creativity of some StarDesigners; I really like their work.
What is next for you?
My next goal is to complete the achievements missing in my collection. Maybe I’m able to reach this goal some day and if don’t, that’s also fine with me. There already is so much to discover every day.
Many clear greetings and much love for everyone reading this. I wish you all an exciting and eventful time here on Stardoll.
Chryspi is an inspiring doll and we are so glad she is here! Keep up the awesome work!
Para nossas seguidoras brasileiras, segue o texto traduzido via GOOGLE TRADUTOR.
Ei bonecas!
Recentemente, tivemos uma ocasião aqui no escritório da Stardoll que nos deixou perplexos. A conta de uma boneca estava com problemas que não tínhamos experimentado antes. Depois de uma solução de problemas da nossa incrível equipe de técnicos, descobrimos: essa boneca havia chegado ao fim.
Agora, o Stardoll está on-line por um bom tempo - mais de uma década, na verdade. Os criadores tinham construído e colocado um limite em quantos níveis havia pensando que, provavelmente, até o momento em que alguém chegasse, os jogos teriam evoluído ao ponto de estarmos jogando usando computadores cerebrais embutidos ou algo assim! Mas, uma boneca chegou ao último nível mítico, e nós ainda existimos!
Uma vez que descobrimos o problema e acrescentamos mais níveis, nossa equipe só precisava saber: quem era essa boneca e como ela conseguira isso? Muitas pessoas provavelmente conhecem Chryspi, e ela já apareceu no StarBlog antes, mas nós tivemos algumas perguntas para ela. Aqui está a nossa entrevista com a boneca que nos impressionou!
Conte-nos sobre o seu nome. O que significa Chryspi?
Quando comecei a jogar na Stardoll há muito tempo, primeiro tive que encontrar um nome para a minha boneca que não fosse fácil, porque a maioria das minhas sugestões já estava em uso.
Então eu queria usar o meu nome do meio, mas acidentalmente cometi um erro de digitação. Quando vi que isso não foi feito, decidi deixar assim. É assim que "Chryspi" veio à vida - uma versão com erros ortográficos do meu nome do meio.
Qual é a sua conquista favorita aqui na Stardoll?
Tive sorte em conquistar o 5º lugar do mundo de Miss Stardoll duas vezes, o que foi uma experiência muito boa para mim.
Existe alguma loja que seja ou tenha sido sua favorita?
Eu sou um grande fã da coleção LE e ainda estou muito animado com isso. Eu também gosto muito da loja Voile. Eu sinto falta de Tingeling um pouco porque esses itens eram fora do comum e eu sempre achei eles engraçados de um jeito bom.
Você pode nos acompanhar por uma sessão típica da Stardoll? O que você faz depois de fazer login e até fazer logout?
Em primeiro lugar, respondo às minhas mensagens. Então, eu confiro se há algo novo. Fico feliz quando vejo que há um novo concurso e, apesar de não ser tão bom em ganhar, sempre gosto de participar.
Depois disso, começo a coletar meus Starpoints diários e termino as tarefas antes de sair até o dia seguinte.
Alguma dica de como os outros podem conseguir tanto quanto você?
A única maneira de coletar o máximo possível é completar todas as tarefas constantemente e todos os dias. Isso é basicamente tudo que eu faço também.
Quais são seus itens favoritos que você tem aqui na Stardoll?
Eu gosto muito da minha coleção LE e tenho orgulho de ter alguns dos lendários vestidos de loteria que eu também gosto muito. Eu gostaria que houvesse uma maneira de trazê-los de volta de alguma forma e torná-los disponíveis novamente por um curto período de tempo. Há vestidos tão bonitos e eu os compraria instantaneamente.
O que a Stardoll significou para você ao longo dos anos?
O Stardoll já me acompanha há muito tempo e se tornou uma espécie de amigo ao longo dos anos.
O Stardoll influenciou sua "vida real" de alguma forma?
Na verdade, sou muito impaciente e tento fazer as coisas o mais rápido possível. É por isso que gosto de jogar Stardoll para me acalmar e contrastar com o estresse da minha vida cotidiana.
Você gostaria de mandar “gritos” para os amigos ou bonecas da Stardoll que você sempre admirou?
Eu envio meu agradecimento a todos os "veteranos do Stardoll" que estão ativos desde que entrei e até mesmo antes.Eu também admiro a criatividade de alguns StarDesigners, eu realmente gosto do trabalho deles.
O que vem a seguir para você?
Meu próximo objetivo é completar as conquistas que faltam na minha coleção. Talvez eu consiga alcançar esse objetivo algum dia e, se não, também está tudo bem comigo. Já há muito para descobrir todos os dias.
Muitos cumprimentos claros e muito amor para todos lendo isto. Desejo a todos vocês um momento emocionante e agitado aqui na Stardoll.
Chryspi é uma boneca inspiradora e estamos tão felizes por ela estar aqui! Mantenha o trabalho incrível!